Monday, February 7, 2011

First Lady Demands Smaller Portions For Americans

Washington DC, Jan 7, 2011. First Lady Michelle Obama has her sights set on a new target: the nation's restaurants.
"You folks is too damn fat!"

She is meeting with Restaurant Industry leaders to demand they cut back their portion sizes, in order to help Americans lose weight.

Mrs. Obama claims that the restaurant industry is responsible for obesity in America, by providing such large portions to their customers.

And their customers often feel obligated to eat everything served, "because they paid $14.95 for it, and people are staving in Kenya."

The First Lady has been holding private talks with the National Restaurant Association, in a bid to get restaurants to adopt her goals of smaller portions and children's meals that include offerings healthier than French fries and soda.

Actor Fred Berry
 President Barack Hussein Obama, D-Kenya, is supporting his wife's efforts, and actually went so far as to appoint the actor Fred Berry as his "Obesity Czar" and was later shocked to discover that Mr. Berry had died in 2003.

The discussions are preliminary, and participants say they are nowhere near an agreement like the one Obama announced recently with Wal-Mart to reduce the amount of fat, sugar and salt in its foods.

A National Restaurant Association spokeswoman, Sue Hensley, called the discussions "a positive dialogue" and said her group and Obama had "the same goals in mind." She added, "Of course we would love to cut portions without lowering the prices. It will just add to our profitiblity."

Nutritionists and public health advocates give Mrs. Obama high marks for putting healthy eating on the national agenda, but many worry she will be co-opted by companies rushing to embrace her without offering meaningful change.

The White House has released the menu for President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama's Super Bowl party.  

Foods served at the Obama Superbowl Party

- Bratwurst
- Kielbasa
- Beer made in Pennsylvania
- Beer made in Wisconsin
- Cheeseburgers
- BBQ Ribs
- Deep Dish Pizza
- Buffalo Wings
- Fried Chicken Legs
- Kool Aid
- German Potato Salad
- Twice Baked Potatoes
- Snyders Potato Chips
- Snyders Pretzels
- Chips and Dips
- Salad
- Ice Cream
- Newport Cigarettes


  1. snyder provided the chips and pretzels? I thought republicans hated dems???? Hmm..this meawns some investigating on the michigan political front.....

  2. "You folks is too damn fat." She looks like she's really saying that. LOL
