Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Obama Tries New Debate Strategy: Childish Insults

Take your pick. mature intelligent man or childish grinning idiot

Boca Raton FL, Oct 23, 2012. Governor Mitt Romney won the third and final presidential debate last night making it a clean sweep for the challenger. The debate topic was foreign affairs and the President completely failed to defend his own string of foreign policy failures and simply resorted to repeating "I killed Osama" a total of twenty six times in ninety minutes.

The Kenyan born President insulted, patronized and mocked his opponent rather than put across a constructive argument. His performance was rude and unpresidential. Obama seemed to be channeling Joe Biden, wriggling about in his chair, waving his hands dismissively and always – always – smirking and grinning in Romney’s direction. At one point Governor Romney got fed up and said "attacking me isn't a foreign policy."

In contrast, Governor Romney calmly endured the childish abuse and retained a serious demeanor all night. He looked like a Commander in Chief; Obama looked like a lawyer. After three debates we have heard absolutely nothing of Obama's plan for a second term. We have to assume he plans to do nothing different during his second term, which will guarentee the same poor results he had during his first term.

While the Obama camp and the faithful at MSNBC claimed victory as we expected they would, they also stepped up their calls for riots if the President lost the election. As the President's poll numbers have been sliding in recent weeks, the Obama fans have been ramping up their threats of riots and violence if the President loses the election.

Obama adopted the Biden debate style
Not only have Obama voters been making open threats that they will riot and cause mayhem, they have also been caught making direct threats to assassinate Mitt Romney, prompting the Secret Service to announce that it was “aware” of the threats and would “conduct appropriate follow up if necessary.”

With only two weeks left in the campaign, desperation is really setting in for the radical left.

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