“I have made a terrible mistake and am deeply sorry for the pain I have caused to my friends, family and especially my wife, Huma,” and “I have not told the truth and done things I sincerely regret.”
Weiner now joins the ranks of fellow Liberal Democrat Sleazeballs... Bill Clinton, Jim McGreevy, John Edwards, Gary Hart and Elliot Spitzer. What sets Liberal Democrat Sleazeballs apart from the Republican Sleazeball variety, is that the Democrats always make a big show about denying their indiscretions when caught, and then later fess up and seem to blame everyone but themselves.
Republican Sleazeballs, on the other hand, seem to sense they did something wrong, and then quickly resign and take their fate with some small amount of dignity. Weiner has adamantly refused to resign, using the Clintonesque logic that this was a personal matter, and doesn't effect his job performance.
In any case, there still is no benefit for the public in having Sleazeballs in high office.
Clinton outraged by Weiner |
"I just don't understand how a man can do this sort of thing. It is like he has absolutely no respect for his wife. Only a very insensitive and selfish man would do this to his wife and family," he told us.
To his credit, President Barack Hussein Obama, D-Kenya, has been relatively free of this type of personal behavior. His problems lie mostly in his burning drive to socialize and thereby destroy the American economy, destroy our relations with our allies, and drive up the percent of the population that depends on government for sustenance.
Before the press conference began, Andrew Breitbart, who first broke the story on his website BigGovernment.com, took the podium to answer questions from the assembled press for about 15 minutes.
“Everything we’ve reported about this … has been true,” Breitbart remarked. “I would like a personally apology from Congressman Weiner.” However, there will not be any apology from Weiner.
Breitbart confirmed he has one more photo of Weiner that he has not yet released, saying, “Suffice it to say it’s of an X-rated nature.”
wants apology |
Weiner said the initial photo in question was accidentally posted on Twitter at the end of May “as part of a joke to a woman in Seattle.”
When Weiner realized he had posted an inappropriate photo on Twitter, he “immediately deleted it.”
“I came here to accept full responsibility for what I have done. I am not resigning and people who judge me have a right to do so,” said Weiner. “My primary sense of regret – my apology – goes to my wife. I should not have done this, especially since I was married. I love my wife very much. We have no intention of splitting up over this,” Weiner went on to say.
When repeatedly asked about a reason for his actions, Weiner said, “If you’re looking for some type of deep explanation, I have none. I am just deeply sorry. Almost as soon as I told one lie I knew I would have to cover it by telling others.”
Rep. Weiner said the Blackberry device he used to send the messages was not government issued and most of the messages and correspondence was done on his home computer. Weiner also said the women he contacted for the most part were women he met on Facebook.
Weiner said before his press conference he spoke with Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, indicating she was not happy and “told me as much. She’s very disappointed and told me she loves me and wants us to pull through this.”
Weiner and his new bride Huma, a former aide to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, have been married slightly less than a year.
It's save to assume that Huma and Hillary now have a lot more in common than they did a few weeks ago. Both married sleazy Liberal Democrats, and both ended up humiliated by them.
The only open question right now is whether Huma Weiner will
"stand by her man" like Hillary Clinton did. I suppose we will soon find out.
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