Sunday, November 28, 2010

Michelle Obama Wins Nobel Prize


Stockholm, Nov 28, 2010. The Nobel Prize Selection Committee has announced today that they will be awarding the 2010 Prize for Fashion to First Lady Michelle Obama. Mrs. Obama has been well known for her eclectic fashion sense, and is being recognized for her unique style and elegance.

This will mark the second time in as many years for a Nobel Prize to be awarded to a member of the Obama family. President Barack Hussein Obama, D-Kenya, won the Nobel Prize for Peace in 2009. The Prize includes a gold medal and a $1.4 million award.

According to Nobel Prize Committee Chairman Dr. Sven Andersen,  "the First Lady earned this award by setting a bold and refreshing fashion standard for women all over the world."

Dr. Andersen told us "Mrs. Obama takes fashion risks, and empowers women to wear unconventional clothing that may not necessarily flatter them. This will encourage young women to have greater self esttem,

Once the news was announced, calls flooded the White House congratulating Mrs. Obama. Longtime friend Oprah Winfrey sent nine dozen red roses to Mrs. Obama with a note saying "This is a victory of all plus sized women!" Joy Behar, famous American celebrity, said "The cast and crew of The View join me in sending our profound congratulations to this wonderful role model for all of us."

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